November 06, 2008

Emanuel accepts chief of staff offer

(CNN) -- Rep. Rahm Emanuel has accepted Barack Obama's offer to be White House chief of staff, according to a Democratic aide.

The Office of the Chief of Staff oversees and coordinates activities and communication among various departments of the administration.

Emanuel helped lead Democrats to majority control of the House in 2006. He was elected to the House in 2002 and is the fourth-highest-ranking member of the chamber's Democratic leadership.

He also worked on President Clinton's first presidential campaign and served as a White House adviser to Clinton.

Emanuel had earlier said that he was honored to be considered for the position, but had a lot to think about on a personal level.

"I have a lot to weigh: the basis of public service, which I've given my life to, a career choice. But, most importantly, what I want to do as a parent," he told Chicago's WLS-TV in an interview that aired Wednesday.
Obama is also expected to announce his press secretary pick, as early as Thursday afternoon, and observers believe it will be Robert Gibbs, the communications director for his presidential campaign.

Full story at CNN

Arabs betrayed by Turks

[V.47] The great Arab will march well to the fore, he will be betrayed by the Byzantines: ancient Rhodes will come forward to meet him and greater harm through the other Hungarians.

Somehow, the Arab forces will be betrayed by the Turks during their fight against the Greek and Hungarian forces.

Arab onslaught in Italy

[VIII.9] While the eagle is united with the cock at Savona, the eastern sea and Hungary. The army at Naples, Palermo, the marches of Ancona, Rome and Venice a great outcry by the Arab

Combined US and French forces will try to confront the Eastern forces in Italy, but still the eastern forces will move into and conquer the whole of Italy.

More information at :

Arab attacks in Germany

[X.31] The Holy Empire will come to Germany, the Arabs will find open places; the asses will also want Carmania, the supporters completely covered with earth.

The invasion of Europe will now engulf Germany as the eastern forces move in without any opposition. All the resistance will crumble.

Arab attack on Hungary

[X.62] Near Sorbia in order to assail Hungary, the herald of Brudes will come to warn them. The Byzantine chief, Salona of Slavonia, he will come to convert then to Arab law

The eastern forces which now occupies Slovenia will move into Serbia to attack Hungary. Here the name to the leader is mentioned. Going by the techniques used by Nostradamus this is probably an anagram or a close sounding word of the actual name.

Air Raids

[VI.34] The machine of flying fire will come to trouble the great, besieged chief. Within there will be such sedition that those abandoned will be in despair

A general but very striking description ("machine of flying fire") of air raids on a besieged leader.

African forces save Arabs

[V.48] After the great affliction of the Rod two enemies will be defeated by them. A fleet from Africa will come forth to the Hungarians; dreadful deeds will occur on land and sea.

Both sides will use "Rod" - a new weapon on each other, which has also been mentioned elsewhere. Finally a fleet from Africa will confront the Hungarians to save the Arabs in the battle.

The Beginning of World War III

[I.63] Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller, for a long time the lands will be inhabited peacefully. People will travel safely through the sky, land and seas : then wars will start up again

This quatrain is considered to be the quatrain which indicate the start of WW-III. The scenario described in this quatrain is definitely a modern world scenario as is describes air travel. Air travel became commercially available only after WW-II. World is a small place now with ease of communications. Antibiotics helped man to get rid of many incurable diseases. But, Nostradamus says, wars will start up again. Alternatively, this might describe a period of unparalleled peace predicted after WW-III when the Great Monarch will reign, till the "End of the World".